(Free) Entry deadline - 15th June

As IAA we are partnering in the AdForum PHNX Tribute, a Celebration of Worldwide Creativity, as creativity will rise us always. We see the PHNX as a way of supporting the advertising community and raising the spirits of our industry. Because despite the crisis, we think the best work of the last 12 months still deserves to be seen and recognised. One of the best things about this industry is that whenever we’re knocked down, we always get up. Even when times are tough, we rise like a phoenix.

That’s where we got the idea for a very special project that AdForum is launching in partnership with the IAA: the AdForum PHNX Tribute, a one-off, entirely free-to-enter online celebration. AdForum and IAA are aiming for a diverse jury of creative talents, experts and opinion leaders.

Entries (Free, for everyone!) will be open on May 18 and the jury will vote online in June. We’ve made entering and judging fun and easy, with 25 carefully chosen categories. Winners will be announced and celebrated on July 9 during an online ceremony. The atmosphere will be one of unity and optimism.

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