Ravid Kuperberg, partner at Mindscapes, leads a hands-on session on how to apply creativity which empowers innovation + transformation brands seek to demonstrate + communicate these days. And more importantly, how to do so in an efficient STRUCTURED manner.
This 90 min active online session will analyze selected cases of marketing and communications ideas which proved to be highly effective when facing adversity in a time of crisis. Including some responses to COVID-19. It will then decode and explore key recurring thinking patterns which are embedded in these ideas and translate these patterns into practical, insightful, creative and inventive thinking paths.
Ravid has applied his expertise to different sectors of the MARCOM industry, helping brands and agencies across the globe create award winning work and now as a strategic partner of IAA is happy to share with you a taste of his work.
In recent years, more than 35 Cannes Lions, including 3 Grand Prix’s, have been awarded to work created by Mindscapes trained agencies, using their structured creative thinking tools.